A Personal Injury Law Firm For Injured Victims

Find the best Personal Injury Representation For Yourself, Family, or Friends. We represent clients in Modesto, Stockton, Sacramento, Merced, Fresno, and the entire Central Valley.

If you are injured in an accident, you need the best Personal Injury Lawyer fighting hard for you. It’s tough looking for a Personal Injury Lawyer, but it’s crucial that you find the right one. It’s extremely important that you choose an attorney with personal injury experience. The right personal injury lawyer will have the knowledge and aggressiveness to help you navigate the complexities of the law to maximize your compensation for your injuries. The right injury attorney will help you get the medical care you need for your injuries. At The Law Firm of R. Sam, our personal injury team led by Mr. Roeuth Sam, an experienced and seasoned  Personal Injury Lawyer, will have the experience, knowledge, and aggressiveness you need to get you the compensation you deserve.


Se habla español. Si no puede venir a nuestras oficinas, nosotros vamos a usted. Yo lucharé por sus derechos sea usted legal o no, usted tiene derecho a recibir dinero por sus lecciones. Exitosamente sirviendo la comunidad con más de 20 años de experiencia!

2,500+ Clients Represented
250+ Cases Litigated
99% Success Rate
Maximum Compensation for Medical Bills
Maximum Compensation for Pain and Suffering
Maximum Compensation for Income Loss
Trial Experience
Aggressive Representation
Personal Injury Expertise
Multi-Million Dollar Cases Handled
Help with Medical Treatment
Results Driven



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  • Wedding

Is Your Spouse Entitled to Your Personal Injury Settlement?

August 29th, 2020|

California law allows a non-injured spouse to claim part of an injured spouse’s personal injury settlement. If the injury event occurred during the marriage, all money or other property received or to be received by [...]

California Bicycle Road Laws

September 14th, 2019|

There are rules of the road for bicyclists and every rider should know the California Bicycle Road Laws. Not only should bicycle riders know them, but motorist should as well. People ride bicycles for many [...]

  • Bicyclist

Bicyclist – Can I Ride on the Sidewalk?

July 20th, 2019|

At The Law Firm of R. Sam, we have handled countless bicycle accidents where a bicyclist was severely injured by a negligent driver of a motor vehicle. One of the main reasons this type of [...]

Diminished Value Claim – A Secret Damage Claim

October 28th, 2018|

After your car has been repaired after an auto accident, there is a little-known claim called a Diminished Value Claim. It’s pretty much a secret claim because no one really demands compensation for it because [...]

Excess Medpay – Better To Burn Your Money

October 27th, 2018|

Excess Medpay - Better To Burn Your Money. Whenever you purchase Excess Medpay on your automobile policy, it's probably better to burn your money! To understand Excess Medpay, let's talk about regular Medpay first. Regular [...]

Towing and Storage Fees

May 20th, 2018|

When a car accident occurs, the bills start piling up immediately. Some of the bills that can quickly add up are the towing and storage fees for an inoperable car. A tow truck will come [...]

Stockton Car Accident Statistics

April 22nd, 2018|

In 2015, there were 2,271 Stockton car accident incidents which caused an injury or a fatality. This was reported by the California Office of Traffic Safety. The 2015 study was the latest published statistical report. [...]

Modesto Car Accident Statistics

April 21st, 2018|

The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) conducted a study in Modesto, California, regarding injuries due to car accidents. The Modesto Car Accident Statistics study is designed to help Modesto identify traffic safety problems so that [...]

California’s Dog Bite Law

March 25th, 2018|

According to California's Dog Bite Law, an owner of a dog is held strictly liable when their dog bites someone. “The owner of any dog is liable for the damages suffered by any person who [...]

Social Host Alcohol Injury Immunity Laws

May 21st, 2017|

Social host alcohol injury immunity laws: Inviting people for drinks at your house? It’s always fun and nice to have friends or family over for a few cold drinks or some wine, whichever [...]

Loss of Use – The Rarely Known Property Damage Claim

April 9th, 2017|

Loss of Use – The Rarely Known Property Damage Claim In almost every auto accident, one or both of the parties suffer some type of property damage to their vehicles. The at-fault party’s insurance will [...]

Recreational Injury Immunity Laws

March 9th, 2017|

Recreational Injury Immunity Laws – Thinking of Hiking, Camping, Fishing, Bike Riding, Sightseeing, Picnicking, or Nature Walks? You Should Know About This Law That May Prevent You From Getting Compensation for Your Injuries! It’s about [...]

Claims Against a Public Entity – Move Fast!

February 19th, 2017|

Injured by a public entity? Move quickly or forever lose your rights to pursue compensation! Normally, if you are injured by another private individual, you have two years from the date of the injury to [...]

Third Party Settlement Funds and Workers’ Compensation Lien

February 9th, 2017|

Workers’ Compensation Lien/Third Party Settlement Funds The purpose of this article is to provide answers in regards to a Workers’ Compensation Lien in a Third Party Personal Injury Case. Simply stated, the common facts are [...]

Uber and Lyft – The Other Driver Edition (Part 3)

January 7th, 2017|

In Parts 1 and 2, I talked about the law and then discussed how it would affect passengers, respectively. Now, I will try to explain how it would affect the other driver that was in [...]

Uber and Lyft – Passenger Edition (Part 2)

December 30th, 2016|

In Part 1, Uber and Lyft - What You Need to Know, I discussed Assembly Bill 2293's three stages of insurance coverage. In this post, I will attempt to examine Uber and Lyft passenger protection [...]

The Law Firm of R Sam

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